Alísa frá Miðengi

S: Aron frá Strandarhöfði
SS: Óður frá Brún
SD: Yrsa frá Skjálg
D: Lísa frá Ytri-Kóngsbakka
DS: Skinfaxi frá Žóreyjarnúpi
DD: Gjósta frá Ytri-Kóngsbakka

Steve and Alísa ready to hit the trails
Alísa is an super mare in a pretty and petite package. Though she has a very calm character, Alísa is a rocket and enjoys moving out on the track or trail. We are very lucky to have such an amazing mare for riding and breeding.
Alísa sire is the famous honor prize stallion Aron frá Strandarhöfði. Aron himself is an outstanding horse, first prize with a total score of 8.54 including a 9.5 for tolt. As a sire he has produced very talented offspring, earning him the honor prize, most of them having terrific flying pace. Aron comes from a long line of other great honor prize stallions, Óður frá Brún, Stígur frá Kjartansstöðum, Náttfari frá Ytra-Dalsgerði and Ófeigur frá Flugumýri. Alísa's dam is a second prize mare, Lísa frá Ytri-Kóngsbakka, a daughter of the great first prize stallion Skinfaxi frá Žóreyjarnúpi, who also gave great pace horses.
So it's no surprise after looking at her pedigree that Alísa is five-gaited and has fantastic flying pace. Not only is it fast and correct, but easy to get and very secure. But what is unusual about Alísa is that in addition to that fabulous flying pace, she also has a beautiful clear beat tolt with high movements. These abilities combined with great training (much it by the great rider/trainer Sigurbjörn Diddi Bárðarson) have made her successful in Iceland in several competition disciplines: T1 (tolt), T2 (tolt on a loose rein), Five-Gait (both F1 and gęšingakeppni), PP1 (pace test), and P2 (speed pace) - ridden by both adults and young riders. Though she is a blast to ride on the track, Alísa is even more fun to ride on the trail. She is brave, confident, forward thinking, yet responsive. Her impressive looking tolt is extremely smooth and a joy to ride for a fun day out in nature.
In addition to her talents and sweet character Alísa is also quite an exotic looking mare. She has a unique smokey black color, which is black with the cream gene. This gives her coat a dark greyish appearance and she has amber colored eyes. And her huge poofy forelock is hard to miss!
To view many more photos of Alísa please visit her photo album.