Loki frá Oddhóli, TT, CGC, TDI
2000 - 2006
S: IS CH Snælukku-Kátur frá Garðabæ
SS: IS CH Fróði frá Götu
SD: Törfa-Stjarna
D: Trýna frá Oddhóli
DS: Lagsi
DD: Kolla

Loki frá Oddhóli (“Loki”) joined our family in the fall of 2000. As part of our honeymoon we traveled to Iceland looking for another horse. We didn’t find a horse – but we did find a very special puppy! So, Loki came back with us on the flight home. Sadly, we lost Loki much too early due to an accident in December of 2006.
Loki was an exceptionally sweet dog - even for an Icelandic Sheepdog. He loved everyone he ever met and every greeting was cause for celebration. Life was a non-stop party to Loki and he is loved every minute of it. Loki’s exceptional personality was put to good use as he was a very successful working therapy dog. He made regular visits to Crestwood Children’s Center in Rochester, New York.
Loki was very smart and somewhat of a trickster – hence his name after the Nordic God of mischief. He loved to help herding the horses and learning tricks. He always wanted to be in the center of the action.
Loki was an exceptional representative of the breed In December of 2003 Loki too top honors at the 1st annual North American Virtual Icelandic Dog Show. He was judged Best Male, Best of Breed, and Best in Show out of approximately twenty-five other dogs from all over North America. Judge Monika Karlsdóttir had to say this about her decision, "This was an easy decision for me. The best male [Loki] was by far the most correct, balanced (including head) of them all." Loki also won the Herding section of the Single Dog Variety Class showing that he has both working ability and correct type and structure.
Loki was the first Icelandic Sheepdog to ever be tested by American Temperament Testing Society, Inc. (ATTS) and to receive the TT title. He also received his Canine Good Citizen and was certified as a therapy dog by Therapy Dogs International, Inc.
Today, Loki lives on in his offspring. He sired two litters and for a total of nine puppies. These puppies continue to give the world joy with their wonderful personalities, just as Loki did. Several of his offspring became some of the first Icelandic Sheepdogs to earn their AKC championships, others have found great success in agility, and several as successful therapy dogs - all of them are beloved family pets. Loki will be forever missed, but his legacy lives on.