We'd like to take this opportunity to proudly share with you a small sample of some of the feedback we've received over the years.
Andrea and Steve at Sand Meadow bring to the community years of experience and passion for the Icelandic horse. Those years of experience have given them of high level of expertise in the care and riding of the Icelandic horse. It has also given them a depth of knowledge and intuition in the selection of horses for sale, breeding, and matching of horse-rider combinations. Sand Meadow has always been a place where people could come and get riding lessons, guidance, and support in their Icelandic horse journey. Whether it be helping you find your dream horse or guiding you through all aspects of Icelandic horse ownership their dedication to their horses and the community always shines through.
Taktur Icelandic Horses, LLC

Joann and Dropi
If you are looking for an Icelandic Horse to call your own, your search can start and end with Andrea and Steve Barber of Sand Meadow Farm. I recently purchased my beautiful Dropi from them, virtually sight unseen, and I could not be happier with my decision. Steve and Andrea are dedicated to matching the right horse to the right rider, and they certainly did so in my case. They patiently answered my endless questions and guided me through the entire process, no small feat given that Dropi was still in Iceland when I bought him! They were extraordinarily generous with their time, warm and welcoming when I spent a weekend with them to meet and learn about Dropi. I honestly cannot recommend Sand Meadow Farm highly enough – they truly found me the horse of my heart.
Joann Hayssen
Highly recommend Steve and Andrea! They helped me find the perfect Icelandic for me! Bonus: he's gorgeous too!
Steve and Andrea are both so knowledgable and passionate about this breed! They helped me with EVERYTHING!...theimport, the hauling, the tack...all of it! Steve even took me out to a beautiful public park to trail ride and it was wonderful! Also got in a nice lesson at the barn with both Andrea and Steve! I just wish I lived closer to them!
Wendi Hiller
Two years ago when my husband gave me one of my best Christmas presents, the op to finally have another horse after so many years without, as soon as I decided on Icelandics, Steve and Andrea were my go-to source. On my first contact with Steve, we were on the phone for an hour, with him asking many, many questions to determine just the type of horse would be best for me, and answering my questions patiently. That summer I attended the clinic they host annually at their farm, featuring the top trainers from Taktur Icelandics, and observed two mares being ridden or doing groundwork in the clinic, both of whom I was interested in as my future trail companion. The following weekend I returned to NY and both Steve and Andrea rode with me in their outside arena, giving me instructions. Two weeks later, I was back, this time for a nice lengthy trail ride, where we all confirmed that I was a good match with my soon-to-be trail horse, Lipurta, a calm, statuesque black beauty, who they had imported from Iceland the previous winter. They had done a marvelous job acclimating her to the different obstacles she would encounter on trail rides, coming from an area with very few trees, to one where she is comfortable being engulfed in a forest with confidence. Lipurta and I are forging a wonderful relationship, as she continues to mature as an up-and-coming 8-year old. She is quick to learn vocal cues and hand gestures when rewarded with a small treat or a gentle rub under the mane. The Barbers go to Iceland a few times each year, researching and riding numerous horses they feel match with either clients they already have, or just to import a "hubby horse" they know a very fortunate person will be happy to make part of their lives.
Melanie Ku
I just brought my horse back from Taktur for training and fell in love with the Astund Xenophon saddle while I was there. I tried to use my endurance saddle when I came home but felt it was too bulky for us. Searding for a Xenophon in stock during a pandemic was challenging. I wanted one sooner than later and when I contacted Andrea, she had what I needed in stock! I got my saddle with a nice saddle cover, Thinline pad, Astund girth within 2 days! Everything fit beautifully. Thank you Andrea!
Jackie Thurston
I had been searching for an Icelandic horse that would be both a good trail horse for me and a calm partner for my sensitive Icelandic mare. After visiting several Icelandic breeders and trying out many wonderful Icelandic horses, I still hadn't found that perfect partner. I contacted Steve and Andrea. They were welcoming and both served as a wealth of information on the Icelandic horse--and Steve has a talent for matching horse and rider.
After meeting and riding Thor from Anacapri with Andrea and Steve, something clicked and it seemed clear that he would be an excellent choice for me. He has turned out to be my best horse, yet. Thor has such a great personality, and is very willing and brave.
Steve and Andrea are honest and straightforward. They made the horse buying experience very easy and it was a pleasure to purchase a horse from them.
Nancy Rohlfs
Wonderful people. Very knowledgeable, helpful and honest. If you are looking for an Icelandic they are a fabulous resource.
Ruth Moody

Stacy and Kolskeggur
Steve and Andrea we fantastic in helping me find and bring home my first Icelandic horse. He is a perfect fit. They are incredibly knowledgeable, caring and professional. I highly recommend Sand Meadow Farm!
And my family looks forward to finding our next perfect Icelandic through Steve and Andrea! We're just so happy to have found them and my horse Kolskeggur!
Stacy Schaefer

Kelly riding Lögg taught by clinician Gudmar Petursson
I have attended a few Icelandic clinics at Sand Meadow. Steve and Andrea were both very helpful - they let me ride one of their horses in one of the clinics. They also were able to sell me a saddle that would fit my Icelandic. Andrea was also able to find out some information on a horse that we bought and had come from Iceland. Huge thank you to Steve and Andrea.
Kelly Clark
New York
Steve and Andrea, want to thank you both once again for all of your help in our purchase of Tia Maria. After you taking the time for several introductory rides/lessons, I felt she was an obvious first choice for us, with her wonderful talent, personality, adaptability and beauty on top of all of that. But with half of the purchasers living in Hawaii there were some stressful moments before we could make her ours! I know is was stressful for you too, with our decision coming in at what could have been the last minute. I truly appreciate your patience and understanding!! But oh how happy we are with her! She is everything we wanted and more! She fit right in with her new herd! You both are miracle workers when it comes to getting the right horse in to the right home! Come visit her and the others any time!
Deb Callaway
New York
I was in search of a mare, just the 'right' mare to replace my sweet mare that I had recently lost to a tragic disease. My first breeder didn't have the 'right' one. She suggested I contact Steve and Andrea. I did. They were on vacation! So, I waited. God was teaching me patience. Again. Steve texted me one Sunday evening, then called me. We must have talked for an hour and a half!! Steve is so very easy to have a conversation. During our conversation he said I know exactly who is a perfect match for you! After telling me about Kleopatra, I told him I was flying out to meet her. I wanted to make sure she liked me. I flew in, Steve picked me up at the airport, drove me to their farm. I met many of their horses Then I met Kleopatra, she came over introduced herself, then placed her head on my shoulder! Steve jumped for joy, shouted, "Yes!", that's what I was looking for!". Then I said, " Me, too!" Kleopatra has been home now for a little over a month. I am head over heels in love with her!!! She is definitely the "RIGHT" mare for me . She is the horse I've dreamed of all my life. Steve and Andrea have been awesome from the start. Their knowledge of the Icelandic breed and willingness to share with others is commendable! Steve took the time to have me view training videos about the gaits of the Icelandics, showing the correctness and then some horses with issues. (I'm actually going to invest in the video myself). I highly recommend speaking with Steve and Andrea Barber about Icelandics if you are seeking to purchase an Icelandic horse, or want to learn more about the breed!
Deanna Parker
I purchased Magni from Sand Meadow as a four year old, and he's now five and a half. I was looking for an Icelandic who had dressage-y gaits: a big trot, long-strided walk, and clear three-beat canter in addition to an easy tolt. I enjoy all the gaits, and all of Magni's are excellent! When I first rode him, he'd been shipped across the country to Kentucky and had a month of training under saddle. The arena was about twenty feet tall with metal siding, and construction was going on all around us. Magni, far from being concerned by a brand new rider, settled right into work, walking and trotting around with not even a spooky glance at all the chaos around him. Then, as we were walking past the giant metal doors, a crane accidentally smacked into them. The door rang like a gong next to Magni's ear. And all he did was stop and look. I have continued to be endlessly impressed by how unflappable and willing he is. He has one of the easiest dispositions I've ever come across. As a bonus, he's super friendly! He's first at the gate and stands around happily to be pet and scratched. He loves people and is fun to be around as well as to ride.
To give credit where it's due, not only did the Barbers breed a wonderful critter, they handled him beautifully. He is utterly trusting, follows me around like a puppy, picks up his hooves and trailers like a pro (and has since the first day I got him). He's well-socialized and gets along in turn out with everybody. The Barbers also made a cross country purchase easy and pleasant. They sent me great video when I asked for it, arranged for me to see Magni while he was in training, and had every bit of paperwork in order (often before I asked for it). And Magni is exactly what I wanted.
Amanda Halperin
I am sending my deepest thanks and gratitude to you both for your assistance and care in finding new homes for our beloved mares Von and Tata! It means so much to my daughter Grace and I that our mares that have served us so well for so many years have new wonderful homes. I think you are definitely a credit to the horse world! Wishing you infinite love and blessings.
Margaret Sica
North Carolina
What a fabulous ride we had! Thank you so much for all the thoughtful preparation and attention to everything that made for the perfect experience. We learned such useful, practical details, and gained confidence. I've never ridden so far or so fast (wimp that I am) and loved every minute! Thank you very much.
Susan Johnson
New York
Steve and Andrea are wonderful people and hold excellent clinics with excellent instructors every year at their farm. Great place to go if you are interested in purchasing an Icelandic and they love their horses and support the breed.
Rochelle Cherrone
New York

Deb and Fenja
Thank you. Thank you both very much. I don’t usually feel as though I have to explain what that means. But the mere words just can’t convey my gratitude for so many things. First I thank you for letting me purchase Fenja! But there was so much that went in to that! Thank you for all of the information on Icelandics, the rides, the lessons on various Icelandics so that I could understand more than just the obvious differences. There are subtle things that I had not considered and you brought them to my attention. You helped me figure out what I wanted in a horse, what characteristics I especially appreciate in a horse. You advised me to request a pre purchase exam, you guided me through that procedure, reminding me of the questions to ask and tests to request from the veterinarian, all of which instilled a feeling of confidence that I had made the right decision. Boarding Fenja with you while she received her spring vaccinations and a thorough physical let me interview a veterinarian and arrange for him to see her at her new facility. The same with a farrier. A month of personalized lessons for me riding her also has set the stage for a successful transition. Having a 3 day clinic with Gudmar Petursson planned the same week that I was to take possession of Fenja was a stroke of pure genius on someone’s part! It has been a wonderful experience from the first ride to the farewell as we drove off! I consider you two and Fenja’s former owner good friends, not just people from whom I bought a horse. So thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Deb Callaway
New York
I just heard from Oskar's new owner, and she is in love with him! Thanks for finding such a great home for him.
My friends questioned why I would send Oskar all the way to New York instead of placing him for sale locally, but that was an easy decision. Between your connections in the Icelandic horse community and your intuition when matching up people and horses, I knew he was in good hands.
Marie Rippel
I cannot thank you and Steve enough for being your amazing selves and helping me with what was one of the most difficult moments and decisions of my life. Your care, attention and professionalism gave me peace of mind and trust to let Fenja go to someone else and for that I am eternally grateful and I thank you so very very much.
Sophia Perdikaris
New York
I have known Andrea and Steve for years and have never met anyone more passionate about the Icelandic Horse. When I first met them I was at a clinic in NY. I was severely over mounted on an older previously abused gelding. After I got dumped Steve stepped up and volunteered to ride my "crazy" horse while lending me his safe and sane one. I'll never forget the way he focused all his energy on that wild mount, working intently in one far corner of the arena while I got to enjoy the clinic on his sweet gelding. After the clinic Steve took my big crazy boy for training and worked wonders with him. More recently my husband was laid off and I was forced to sell my horse and trailer. Steve and Andrea stepped up again and not only found a great buyer for my unconventionally trained mare, but also found a buyer for my trailer! To this day I still get updates from my beloved mare's new owner. For the care they took in finding her the perfect home I will be forever grateful.
Patricia (“TiPat”) Dean
Massachusetts / Florida
Steve and Andrea at Sand Meadow have been my "go to" farm when looking for a specific type of horse. I describe what I am looking for and know that they will assist me to find the right horse. During my visits they spend time showing me horses, taking trail rides to try out horses and allowing me to spend time with the horses. I am so pleased with each horse purchased from them and enjoy staying in touch.
Nancy Green
I bought my first (and only) Icelandic from Steve and Andrea Barber. They care a lot about their horses, and were patient in educating me before the sale. All my questions were answered and I was provided photos , videos, and an opportunity to take a test ride. I would not hesitate to buy another horse from them, and recommend that anyone in the market for a Icelandic take the time to talk with them.
Sue Staggemeier
I found Sand Meadow Farm while researching the Icelandic breed. I met their horses and took a lesson
from Steve. It was such a positive experience that I did end up purchasing two Icelandics. Since these horses differ from
others in many ways, Andrea and Steve have been a big part of my learning curve.
Last summer I sent my gelding to the Barbers for some “tuning up.” They discovered that he didn’t have a training issue but
a back problem. They were helpful in getting us on track to getting Litli feeling good again.
While Litli was at Sand Meadow, we had their stallion Hrokur breed our mare, Randalin and we are anxiously awaiting a foal
in July. I know that they will be there for me as we approach her due date and after our new addition joins our small herd.
Cathy Fortier
New York
I just wanted to thank the both of you for such a wonderful ride last Sunday. It was one of the best rides that I have had on Kraftur. Steve, you are a wonderful and patient instructor....I learned more from you in one ride than I did in a week in Iceland. Again...thank you very much.
Marilynn Buckham
New York