February 2024 – Terral is coming in June!

We are happy to welcome back Terral Hill of Taktur Icelandics for Building a Foundation an Icelandic groundwork clinic June 22-23, 2024. Hosted by the Saint Skutla Icelandic horse club this event promises to be a great learning experience and a ton of fun. This is a "back-to-basics" learning opportunity for all levels of horses and owners. Auditors are welcome too! So contact us as soon as possible for information on how to register. Hope to see you here!
February 2022 – Planning for the Season
We are looking forward to a - hopefully - COVID-19 free season! As you can see from the video our horses are currently enjoying their winter break! - so please keep checking back for more updates. However, we will be available this season for lessons, horse sales, etc. We are really looking forward to sharing our horses with you. Contact us for more information.
June 29th & 30th 2019 – For Her First Time in Western NY - A Clinic With Carrie Lyons Brandt!

The drill team line up. We are proud to say all the horses in the clinic were either owned by, bred by, or imported by us.
Our first clinic with Carrie was a smashing success. We had horses and riders of all levels and everyone was able to benefit from Carrie's careful and considerate instruction. We even ended the clinic with a little fun drill team practice. We look forward to having Carrie return again (and again!) in the future.
August 11 - 12, 2018 – Terral Hill back for another Icelandic groundwork/riding clinic!

Terral with Venus from Sand Meadow
Everyone loves Terral! His deep knowledge and calm demenor made once again for a great clinic. Learning and fun - what could be better?
October 15 - 16, 2016 – Guðmar Þór Pétursson Icelandic Riding Clinic

Guðmar instructing clinic participant Kelly Clark (riding our Lögg frá Laufhóli)
We were happy to host the Saint Skutla Icelandic Horse Club's fall clinic with famous Icelandic rider and trainer, Guðmar Þór Pétursson. Not only were we blessed with a great clinician, but wonderful warm fall weather too! It was a great event and we hope Guðmar will return to continue the group's instruction in the future.
May, 2016 – Steve and Hergill in the Gorham Memorial Day Parade

Steve and Hergill leading the parade
When we heard that the town of Gorham, NY needed a rock solid dark colored horse to be the ceremonial riderless horse in their Memorial Day Parade we knew we had just the horse for the job - Hergill frá Oddhóli. Having performed in many large competitions and previously lived in busy Los Angeles, California, nothing much phases Hergill. We knew we could depend on him - and our trust was well placed. Hergill and Steve lead the parade and did an excellent job. We were so proud to be able to participate in this wonderful tribute to our fallen soliders.
July, 2014 – Icelandic Pleasure Rider Clinic with FEIF Breeding Judge and Certified FEIF International Trainer Barbara Frische held at Sand Meadow Farm!

Clinic participants enjoying the ride
Completely geared toward the pleasure/trail rider, Barbara has given this clinic for several years in Europe and it has proved very popular. At Sand Meadow we had a full clinic with 10+ riders and many auditors - all of whom really enjoyed the experience. We had riders and horses of all levels and abilities and Barbara was flexible enough to adapt to all. Of particular popularity was the drill team riding! Outside of the formal clinic Barbara also gave private lessons and did a mini clinic on the day following the clinic on judging Icelandic horse conformation. All and all a great event and one we hope to do again soon!
April, 2013 – Hergill performs with the Knights of Iceland at the Equine Affaire!

Hergill (second from right) ready to perform with the Knights of Iceland
photo: courtesy The Knights of Iceland
Our own first prize Hergill frá Oddhóli performed with Gudmar Petursson’s Knights of Iceland demonstration team at the Equine Affaire at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus, Ohio. If you haven’t already seen them, the Knights put on a fantastic show with some of the top representatives of the breed in the country. We are proud that Hergill was selected as part of the elite team for the Ohio event.