Our Black Russian Terrier

Blackberry Mayra Leona TT
S: Tschapka Aaron
SS: Ger. CH Caraul Tara's Sarja BH
SD: Frisby Vom Kellergeist
D: Blackberry Pocahontas
DS: Rus. CH Brenda's Company Gigant
DD: CH Blackberry Extravaganza
After losing our beloved BRT Tasha in 2018 after 14 wonderful years, we were lucky enough to bring Mira home in the fall of 2018. Though Mira is an adult, she has all the energy of a young pup! She loves to run full speed around the farm. Though she is a good farm guard (she doesn't care much for strangers), she is a sweet and loving member of our family. She is a show quality female with beautiful comformation and movement - and a natural tail! She is loves training and pleasing us. We are looking forward to having many years of fun with her.

Mira on the farm
The Black Russian Terrier
The Black Russian Terrier - the “Black Pearl” - is a relatively young breed only first developed in the 1950’s. After World War II there was a great need for working dogs in the Soviet Union. The Soviet’s needed a strong, courageous, loyal, and trainable dog, stable and reliable in temperament that could withstand the extreme climatic differences within the country. Thus, the state’s Red Star Kennel started in earnest to breed such a dog.
Over one hundred dogs of at least seventeen breeds were used in the creation of the Black Russian Terrier. Of primarily influence were the Giant Schnauzer, Airedale Terrier, Newfoundland, and Rottweiler. After several generations the Soviet’s had a dog that was breeding true to what they wanted. Working ability was the highest priority, with appearance relatively unimportant.
By 1957 hobby breeders in the Soviet Union had gotten second and third generation Black Russian Terrier puppies from the Red Star Kennels. From those puppies and other out-crossings, then they worked on improving the breed’s appearance, while preserving the breed’s strong working ability. In 1968 the FCI approved the first description of this young breed, and in 1981 breed status was official recognized. The Black Russian Terrier was welcomed into the AKC in 2004.
Today’s Black Russian Terrier is a very large strong dog with heavy bone and ample muscle. Their jet black coats are easily adaptable to many climates and with regular grooming they do not shed. They are true working dogs - stable in temperament, confident, trainable, and adaptable. They are natural protectors that are loyal to their families. It is all these qualities that are making this young breed’s popularly quickly grow by leaps and bounds all over the world.
Like most large breeds, hip dysplasia can be an issue. Sound breeders make sure their dogs are screened for many genetic health problem areas such as eyes, hips, elbows, thyroid, and cardiac. They know health is just as important as proper breed type.
For more information about the breed, including the AKC breed standard, please see the links page.